Sentence Dance
A sentence, a sentence, let's write a sentence A sentence, a sentence, let's write a sentence First, you start with a capital letter...

A noun is, a noun is, a noun is a person place or thing!

The plot, the plot, the plot's what happens in the story. Beginning, Middle, End

Cha Cha Cha Character, people or animals in a story Download your Character Awesome Learner Award Here

Positions Chant
Positions here, Positions there, Positions positions everywhere! My mouth is below my eyes My head is above my feet My nose is between my...

Number Bond
Number bond, number bond, lets make a number bond! Part - Part - Whole #1stGrade

Verb, verb, verb, an action word, ING!

Diagram: to teach the parts of something #2ndGrade #TextFeatures

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